Say Goodbye to Redstone
After decades of volunteer service to the Redstone Historical Society and to the Redstone community, Peter & Ann Martin and Darrell & Jane Munsell are moving to lower elevations.
Peter and Ann Martin
Peter and Ann have been at the forefront of the Crystal Valley family for over thirty years. They have volunteered for the community in most every facet. Peter would often say, “My daddy taught me that you had to give back,” and Ann was always solidly at his side. Most valuable has been their work on behalf of the Society. As Treasurer, Ann was the guarded manager of RHS funds for almost twenty years. Peter often served as RHS President and legal council.
Most notably, in 2003 when the Castle was seized by two competing federal jurisdictions, Peter used his legal skills to successfully challenge the SEC claim in a Florida court. This opened the path to pressure the government to apply a provision of the Historic Preservation Act of 1964 and place Historic Easements on the exterior as well as eight of the most significant rooms of this national treasure. This was a landmark decision in Colorado.

Ann and Peter love all things Redstone

The proud parade Grand Marshalls
Darrell and Jane Munsell
For almost twenty-five years, Darrell and Jane have used their academic backgrounds to enhance our appreciation of local history and add context and credibility to the Society where they served as officers. After years of research, Darrell is credited with writing a 400 page definitive study of Osgood: From Redstone to Ludlow, John Cleveland Osgood’s struggle against the United Mine Workers of America.
Jane has always been Darrell’s editor and collaborator. Together, they were actively involved in the successful effort of the Carbondale Historical Society to acquire, open, and historically catalog the Thompson House Museum. They have also secured many Osgood era artifacts for RHS including the original Castle architectural drawings. Most recently, they co-authored the “must read” Redstone: John Cleveland Osgood’s “Ruby of the Rockies.”

Darrell being interviewed by RMPBS

Jane and Darrell packing up

Jane with their newest book
It is clear why theirs is called the Greatest Generation. Born following the depression, raised during the war, Peter, Ann, Darrell and Jane represent the “Best-of-the-Best” among us with their solid commitment to our community and to “The Greater Good.” We have some really big shoes to fill.
To send your well wishes
email HistoryRedstone@gmail and RHS will forward your emails