Celebrate the History
of the
July 9, 2pm

Explore the 121 year history of the Redstone Inn & honor the 35 anniversary of the Gilmore Family stewardship with:
2:00 pm
- Building tours – including the history of the clocktower
- Ooodles of photos
- Presentation with a slideshow
3:30 pm
- Guided Tour of the Village including a glimpse into Lucille’s cottage
– departing from the Inn.
Free for Society Members
$10 suggested donation for non-members
May 3, 1912
“Osgood to reopen Redstone Inn for summer tourists.”
“The inn is known far and wide as one of the coziest nooks in the Rocky Mountains “
“The automobile boulevard from Carbondale to Redstone, built by Osgood,
is one of the finest pieces of roadways in the state”
Notably – the Redstone Inn is one of only three properties in the Greater Roaring Fork Valley to have served guests since 1902. When the mines and coke ovens closed in 1909, Redstone may have become yet another Colorado ghost town were it not for the the grand buildings.
Thru Thick and Thin, Day in and Day Out,
Redstone Inn has welcomed first coke oven workers, then guests for 121 years.
Redstone Inn has welcomed first coke oven workers, then guests for 121 years.