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Your Financial Support is Essential to our Mission
– Thank You –
The Society’s mission is to preserve, present, and protect local historic sites, documents, artifacts, and stories; and to encourage public awareness and participation through events and activities celebrating our area’s rich historical heritage.
- Expand our guided walking tour to include 1/2 day school tours
- Work with local, state & federal resources to make the DeMaestri-Durrett cottage a museum and community space.
- Share monthly Vintage Valley stories & archive at
Redstone Historical Society – Board of Trustees
Jeff Bier, President
Oriana Moebius, Vice President
Jaymeson Leo, Secretary
Deb Strom, Treasurer
Janette Bier | Alicia Cheney
Lisa Mattson
Alyce Meredith | Sarah Meserve
Chrissy Strom | Becca Trembley